Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

News Item text

News item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events areconsidered newsworthy or important.

Is to inform readers,listeners,or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important

Generic Structure of News Item
1. Newsworthy events   : recounts the events in summary form (main event)
2. Back ground avent    : elaborate what happened, whom what circumstances.
       3. Sources of  info         : comments by participants, witnesses,to and authorities expert on the event.

a. Short, telegraphic information
b. Retell the event
c. Verbal processes and focus on circumstances

Language Feature
a. Short,telegraphic information about story captured in headline
b. Focusing on circumstances
    eg : mostly within qualifiers
c. Use of material processes to retell the events ( in the text bellow,many of the material
processes are nominalised)
d. Use of projecting verbal
e. Processes in sources stage
f. Action verbs,
    eg : were
g. Saying verbs,
    eg : say,said,tell
h. Using adverb : time,place and manner
    eg : badly injured, the most beautiful bride in the world
i.Using past tense
    eg : was,received

Indonesian maid beheaded in Saudi Arabia

            An indonesian housemaid has been executed in Saudi Arabia after being convicted of killing her employer. The Saudi Interior Minister said “the woman was beheaded in the Southern Asir province in what was the second execution in the country”.
            The maid was earlier found of suffocating her female boss and stealing her jewellery.Rape,murder and other serious crimes can carry the death penalty in the conservative desert kingdom.
            Last year, Saudi Arabia which follow a strict intepretation of Syaria, Islamic law executed more than 130 people.

Analysis text :

To inform readers,listeners, or viewers about event of the day which are considered newsworty or important

Generic structure analysis
Ø Newsworty event : An indonesian maid was beheaded in Saudi Arabia.
Ø Background events :
-         Background 1 : The maid was found guilty of suffocating and killing her bos
-         Background 2 : Serious crimes can carry death penalty in Saudi Arabia
-         Background 3 : Saudi Arabia executed more than 130 people last year
Ø Sources of info : The Saudi Interior Minister statement

Language feature analysis
Ø Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
Ø Focussing circumstances : Law of serious crimes
Ø Using material process : behead,execute,carry
Ø Use of saying verb : said
Ø  Using past tense : Was, beheaded,executed

Pembantu Indonesia dipenggal di Arab Saudi

            Seorang pembantu rumah tangga indonesia telah dieksekusi di Arab Saudi setelah dinyatakan bersalah membunuh majikannya. Menteri dalam negeri Saudi mengatakan  “Wanita itu dipenggal di provinsi Asir Selatan dimana eksekusi kedua di negara ini”.
            Pembantu itu sebelumnya ditemukan mencekik majikan perempuannya dan mencuri perhiasannya. Perkosaan,pembunuhan dan kejahatan serius lainnya dapat membawa hukuman mati dikerajaan gurun konservatif.
            Tahun lalu,Arab Saudi yang mengikuti intepretasi ketat syariah,hukum syariah dijalankan lebih dari 130 orang.

Analisis teks :

Untuk menginformasikan pembaca,pendengar,penonton tentang peristiwa sehari-hari yang dianggap layak diberitahukan atau penting.

Analisis struktur umum
Ø Acara utama : Seorang pembantu Indonesia dipenggal di Arab Saudi
Ø Latar belakang acara :
-         Latar belakang 1 : Pembantu dinyatakan bersalah mencekik dan membunuh majikannya
-         Latar belakang 2 : Kejahatan serius dapat membawa hukuman mati di Arab Saudi
-         Latar belakang 3 : Arab Saudi mengeksekusi lebih dari 130 orang tahun lalu
Ø Sumber info : Pernyataan Menteri dalam negeri Saudi

Analisis ciri bahasa
Ø Pendek,informasi telegraf tentang cerita ditangkap dalam judul
Ø Fokus keadaan : Hukum kejahatan berat
Ø Menggunakan proses bahan : memenggal kepala,melaksanakan,membawa
Ø Menggunakan kata kerja mengatakan : kata
Ø Menggunakan bentuk lampau : itu,dipenggal,dieksekusi.

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